No Boilerplate Code
Boilerplate code is generated or hidden in the runtime. Accidental complexity is removed, only essential complexity is expressed. Design language concepts with as much or little flexibility as required for the essential complexity.
Secure and Robust by Design
Applications should keep working when deployed in production. The WebDSL runtime ensures robustness, performance, scalability, and also security, protecting against malicious web technology exploits. Exploit countermeasures are enforced in the runtime without adding complexity to application code.
Fail Early
WebDSL is designed from the ground up with static analysis and cross-language consistency checking in mind. The IDE and compiler can analyze the code and immediately report errors. Because of the explicit syntactic constructs for language concepts, semantic errors can be precise and messages in terms of the domain concepts.
WebDSL is a domain-specific language for developing dynamic web applications with a rich data model, developed and maintained by the Programming Language Group at Delft University of Technology.