Recurring Tasks¶
Recurring task allow you to execute a certain function in set interval, e.g. every minute, 5 hours or every week. For this WebDSL uses the following syntax (which is subject to change):
function someFunction() {
log("I was executed!");
invoke someFunction() every 5 minutes
Syntax of the time intervals:
TimeInterval = TimeIntervalPart*
TimeIntervalPart = Exp "weeks"
TimeIntervalPart = Exp "days"
TimeIntervalPart = Exp "hours"
TimeIntervalPart = Exp "minutes"
TimeIntervalPart = Exp "seconds"
TimeIntervalPart = Exp "milliseconds"
So valid time intervals are:
1 hours // note the plural
1 hours 10 minutes // repeat every 70 minutes
2 weeks 10 milliseconds